These are a young hard to come by fish at about 1.75 to 2 cm long.
$180 Each or 5 for $850 (automatic discount at checkout)
This is a remarkable price. You can google search prices elsewhere if you wish and you will see. Most people buy these in a small groups.
The photos are mainly the breeders (parents) and are meant to indicate what you will get when grown. We do not have full size adults for sale.
These fish are bred in Brampton water. These fish are in good health and eat voraciously. We do not extend any guarantees with any fish for sale because once the fish leave our possession, we do not know how they are treated or kept. If you see this ad up, they are still available.
We will not ship these fish since they are too expensive to trust any shippers with them.
L046 - Zebra Plecos
L046 discount for 5 or more
Some details about this species:
Scientific Name: Hypancistrus Zebra
Common Name(s): Imperial Pleco, L46, L48
Care Level: easy to medium
Size: 3 - 4 inches (7.5 - 10 cm)
pH: 6.5 - 7.0
Temperature: 78 - 86 °F (26 - 30 °C)
Origin / Habitat: South America: Xingu River basin.
Lifespan: 10 - 15 years or longer
Temperament / Behavior: Can become territorial with their own species, but are usually peaceful with most other tank mates.
Tank Mates: Needs to be with peaceful tank mates.
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction: See breeding section in the article above.
Diet: Omnivorous, will accept a wide range of foods, but frozen/live foods preferred.
Tank Size: A minimum of 30 gallons
They are a largely carnivorous species that does best on a diet of frozen foods such as bloodworms and high-protein sinking pellets. While they mix surprisingly well into community aquaria, take care all tankmates are peaceful and gentle eaters, as these shy fish can easily be outcompeted for food. High temperatures (79-86 F) and a high degree of oxygenation are a must. Realistically, the best way to enjoy these enigmatic catfish is in a species tank of their own, where they will be more easily fed and much more outgoing.
Some great references can be found here: