Aquarium Biz is the joint effort of two fish breeders in the Greater Toronto Area:
Malik King & Michael Beat who both have their own YouTube channels. Together they have formed Aquarium.Biz and strive to breed excellent quality fish for the Ornamental Tropical Fish trade. Together they feature all of their currently available fish via this website and a YouTube channel:

Malik King began his fish keeping at around 3 years of age while still in his country of birth, Sri Lanka. Fish were a part of both parents and it seemed that most of his relatives also kept fish at the time. There was no shortage of inspiration for a young boy. It seems as though fish keeping was just expected from him. First, it was fish keeping, then it became fish breeding. His efforts and would only expand from there. At age 7, he was already breeding angelfish very successfully and fancy goldfish by 10 years old. There's no shortage of experience as Malik has been breeding fish his entire life since childhood. At about age 15 years, Malik settled in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It didn't take long to become reestablished with fish tanks again. In around 1997/1998 Malik was breeding and selling many German Blue Rams in order to expand his fish room. During the years 2000 to 2010 his large fish room was in his parent's basement. Malik has maintained a small fish room for the past 10 years. Malik offers years of experience with breeding discus, angelfish, and now with specialty. Malik maintains his own YouTube Channel (@AquaMalik) and invites any to join in him in live discussions about his plecos. He can be reached directly via Facebook or Youtube.

Electrical Engineer by trade, Michael Beat is the US Record Holder for Flying Tippler Pigeons (Tipplers.com). From a young age in California, he has enjoyed breeding various types of birds including pigeons, quails, parakeets, finches and many more. After moving to Ontario Canada Michael re-established his fish room and now enjoys breeding Discus, Black Rams, Barbs, Plecos, Cichlids and Blue-Eyes as well as several other species. Together with Malik King, he now focuses on raising quality tropical fish for the GTA area. Michael maintains his own YouTube channel (@FishEZ) and is member of the Peel Regional Aquarium Club and supports the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs as a member of the executive. He can be reached directly via Facebook, Youtube, or his personal fish website: FishEZ.ca